Week 3: Win 18-8 vs Oxford Brookes 2s
Week 4: Win 13-4 vs Loughborough University 3s
MEN’S 1s:
Week 2: Win 10-6 vs University of East Anglia 1s
Match Report: This week the mainstream media were focused on discussion over the Irish border, the US supreme court, and of course the UEA lacrosse teams visit to Warwick. After experiencing victory in the cup against Warwick 1s in 2016, the Eagles were full of confidence as they took the long 3½ hour coach journey to the West Midlands. The game started in classic Warwick style as we let in 2 goals within 5 minutes of the first quarter. Not to be put off however, the grit of Toby Collins and a potentially fluke shot by Sam Pearson (because he actually scored for once) saw us bounce back to even-stevens. First quarter score: 2-2 The fine Warwick form continued long into the second quarter as we piled in another 3 goals to UEAs solitary 1. Tom Corbett boshed a bloke for 6 as well which brought a smile to thousands of adorning fans that lined the pitch. Rumours that TC's grandmother had to be restrained at points after trying to form a Green Street-esqe affrontal on the away supporters. Half time score: 5-3 Much of the same throughout the third as Ryan MaGrath completed his hattrick, and Ben Papworth continued his relentless form in face with a goal. Looks like the 2 whole hours of fitness training he has completed are clearly showing. See Ben Papworth during Baywatch for evidence. Third Quarter score: 7-5 Once more unto the breach, with no certainly of victory, Warwick in triumphalist style knocked another 3 past the travellers. With the game won, and the fans in jubilation, a night of purple lay ahead. Against a team of 20, with 5 d-poles to our 2, we fought hard as a team and deserved every success that was awarded to us on the day.
Final score: 10-6
Dotd: Ryan McGrath Motm: Tom Corbett Best supporter: TCs Grandma
Week 3: Loss 0-16 vs University of Birmingham 1s
Week 4: Win 16-0 vs Nottingham Trent 2s
Week 2: Win 11-3 vs University of East Anglia 1s
Match Report: Our women’s 2nd team started the season with a strong defeat against UEA 1s at home. Though the first quarter of the match was slow (partially owing to the suddenly quite extreme heat) and left the score at 1-1, we entered the second quarter having quickly regained ourselves, scoring another 5 goals before half time. Team spirit remained high after this, fuelling a further 5 goals in the second half (shout out to Izy Gibson for scoring one of these despite being straight defence) and only allowing 2 goals on the UEA side in, leaving the game coming to an end at 11-3. Beatrice Petrescu was our man of the match, saving two tough shots on goal in a row and proving to be a talented goalie from the get-go. Well done to all the girls who played, all of whom did themselves proud, and a big thank you to everyone who came to support our first match of the season.
Week 3: Loss 0-36 vs Oxford Brookes University 1s
Week 4: Loss 5-11 vs University of Birmingham 3s
MEN’S 2s:
Week 2: Loss 3-5 vs De Montfort University 1s
Week 3: Draw 4-4 vs University of Derby 1s
