Womens 1s vs Nottingham Trent 2s: 21-0
On Wednesday what could only be described as a thrashing occurred.
Scoring at least once every 3 minutes, Warwick conceded no goals and finished the match with a final score line of 21-0, reinforcing our current position at the top of the league.
Some gorgeous shots by man-of-the-match Abby in the second half supported a strong game for our attack, with some great drives and set plays making clear our dominance over Trent. Despite an unbelievable win, special mention should go to attack for missing AT LEAST 50% of their shots, it was almost impressive.
Redefensive pressure in the mid and a determination by the straight defence not to let a single clear into Trent’s sticks meant the ball barely made it into the defensive third, with some lovely transitions by Jess and great pressure from Sophie and Bella.
New coach Cari came along to watch us play, and her opinion of the team was only marred by Social Sec Lufu’s in depth description of the consequences of binge drinking on the bus on the way to the game.
Arguably the highlight of the game (to most, more impressive than the 21 goal difference), was Loren’s recital of a poem in what could only be described as a terrifying Scottish accent on the bus on the way home. Fresh factor will never be the same again.
Neve & G x
Mens 1s vs University of Cambridge 1s: 9-7
On Wednesday Warwick Men’s Lacrosse 1sts travelled past K-e-t-t-e-r-i-n-g, to the lofty University of Cambridge, where fierce rivals would face us. It’s been several years since Warwick triumphed in such a game but spirits were high.
The game began with 3 fast goals from Ryan McGrath as a result of a dominant face off presence but were quickly reprised by our opponents leaving the score at quarter time being 3-3. The second quarter saw Warwick challenge the Cambridge keeper a number of times, with eventually Matt Wateridge ripping a beautiful low to high swish to the top right corner of the net, but we were never able to gain much traction, with the score stood at 5-4 to Warwick at the half. The third quarter ended in a similar fashion at 8-6.
The final 20 minutes of the game was exceedingly scrappy, Josh Arnold, Tom Corbett and Charlie Mann were primary culprits for this, landing some dubious checks on their attacks and luring several large nibbles from the Cambridge players which included head butts, shoves and some rather immature name calling. Not very Cambridge of them at all. The Warwick defence however kept calm under pressure, and we finished the game 9-7 following a last-minute Sam Pearson goal.
Ultimately Cambridge were the real winners because they got in, but Warwick were happy with the BUCS win which takes us 2nd in the league, and we returned home with 2/3 Oranjebooms balanced neatly in each hand.
MOTM: Matt Wateridge for sxc goals
DOTD: Nick Bennett leaving all his kit in Leamington and then losing some of the club kit he collected en route to the Bluebell bus area
Goals: Ryan McGrath (4), Matt Wateridge (2), Sam Pearson (1), Toby Collins (1), Alex Chatfield (1)
Mann xx
Dev Tournament Reports
On Sunday our women’s development team headed to Hertfordshire to play in their first development tournament! The games were quite tough but everyone put into practice all the skills we’ve been looking at so far and it payed off!
We started the day with a match against UEA, where despite some great movement including a fantastic turnover by Natalie Gilmour (we’ll ignore the fact that the ball fell out of her stick), Warwick unfortunately lost 3-0…
Next we took on CCCU, and Warwick were ready this time… Thanks to some fantastic defensive moves from Katherine, the usual great keeping from Bea and some fantastic attacking play from Poppy and Maia, Warwick triumphed with a 3-0 win!
The next 2 matches against Lincoln and Herts were really close (1-0 and 2-3 respectively) which meant we finished the morning at the top of the intermediate league (Whoop whoop!).
Going into the afternoon (cough cough night) we only had one match left - Lincoln again. With a great goal from Emily and 2 each from Davina and Saskia, Warwick finished the tournament on a 5-0 win!
Great play and congrats to everyone who came, Neve, Gemma and I really enjoyed watching and were particularly impressed as all of our checks were miles above the standard of everyone else’s! (Not that we’re biased…)

We travelled to Hertfordshire with a strong men’s dev squad for our annual excursion to a dev tournament, looking to give some 8s game experience to our newly adopted fresh.
We were grouped in the first round with Kent and Brunel, Brunel seemingly not understanding the premise of a dev tournament and the whole ‘bring your freshers’ part, instead playing a Canadian who had been playing since high school. We’ll forgive them, they do go to Brunel after all.
We started slowly, losing 3-0 to Brunel and 2-0 to Kent, but responded well to beat Brunel 4-3 after targeting their Canadian #7 with some questionably legal but certainly effective robust defence (Tickell seemingly unloading some pent-up anger at campus security), a quick-fire double from Connor and some excellent saves from Keeper Louie, he of Warwick Love #13720 fame. We then battled well in fading light to a 0-0 draw with Kent, a considerable improvement as we found our stride to progress to the minor side of the second half.
After a fair bit of standing around getting cold and supporting the women in their game, we were presented with a final game against Canterbury Christ Church, a poly. Things started off on the wrong foot as we quickly fell behind, but thanks to the rousing support from the onlooking Dev girls, and some particularly the voiceferous support for Reece from a female member of the exec who tagged along we were able to turn things around. With goals from Javi, who is quickly becoming our second favourite diminutive Uruguayan behind Lucas Torreira, and Jake, who top-scored with commendable 3 goals on the day, we triumphed 2-1, holding on for a win that seemingly frightened UEA so much they abandoned ship rather than stay and play us.
All in all a very successful day, many thanks to the guys that came along. Hopefully you had a good laugh and we will see you at Dev on Friday.
