For Warwicks second game of term 3, they took on Derby!! Our 1’s and 2’s players were joined by some of the development squad to create the team for this match:
Caity Nutting Serena Gupta
Alexa Mangeant Amber Bentley
Eleanor Shaw Elliemae Vinall
Hannah Nolan Isabelle Speciale
Katy Harrington Lily Whitehead
Lydia Owen-Morell Rebecca Fisher
Sofia Hassan
With the team consisting of a lot of new players, this was the perfect opportunity for the girls to find out which position suited them best. The upper coming defenders worked throughout the game to improve their communications and skills whilst on the other end of the pitch the attackers figured out how to best utilise a settle.
The highlights of the game came from Lydia and Sofia who were our goal scorers as well as Alexa who did a brilliant job of being our goalie! Other key plays came from Amber who found her position in midfield with some lovely runs up the field, Elliemae showing off her defensive skills throughout the game and Hannah who’s confidence increased rapidly with every second on the pitch.
As well as highs we did have some lows with Katy and Sofia getting yellow cards and having a 2 minute time out. Despite this we laughed it off and kept on pushing. With Warwicks determination showing, the match ended in 11-8 to Derby. Although not the victory we were hoping for, it was definitely a win for us as players did an amazing job and learnt so much throughout this game.
Now the moment you have all been waiting for… fresh factor. In first place we have Amber Bentley with a score of 34.5 closely followed by Elliemae in second with a score of 33.5 and third place goes to Sofia with 33 points! The loser of the fresh factor however was Caity :(
Man of the Match: Sofia Hassan
Dick of the day: Katy for being our first player to get sent off this term!